Associazione Culturale Nazionale Igienistiche Naturali.
ACNIN (National Cultural Association on Hygenistic Disciplines) was founded in 1984 by Luigi Costacurta and other former patients, who experimented on themselves the benefits of the first Hippocratic level of intervention in case of sickness, i.e. Igea or Self Care, which uses only the elements of nature.
Thanks to a few members, ACNIN has created a training path on health self care.
The activities of the association are possible because of the donations of members who pay the annual fee and participate in the courses.
For those who are grateful to have known this discipline, supporting Acnin is an act of cultural and social responsibility, so that this important knowledge is not forgotten with the passing of time but is handed down in family and society, from generation to generation.
The culture of natural health is within everyone’s reach, but it requires interest, study, commitment, perseverance and practice.
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L’autogestione della salute attraverso metodi naturali dovrebbe far parte del bagaglio culturale di ogni individuo. Chi desidera saperne di più sulla medicina naturale di Lezaeta e Costacurta, può partecipare alle serate divulgative che trasmettiamo in diretta streaming, sul canale YouTube Acnin1984. Per i soci, invece, lʼA.c.n.i.n. ha creato un percorso di studio, semplice e alla portata di tutti.
Le attività dellʼAssociazione sono consentite grazie alle donazioni dei soci che versano la quota annuale e partecipano ai corsi.
Ringraziamo di cuore le 13.134 persone che hanno fatto parte dell’A.c.n.i.n. in tutti questi anni.
Per chi è grato di aver conosciuto questa disciplina, sostenere lʼA.c.n.i.n. è un atto di responsabilità culturale e sociale, affinché queste conoscenze non vengano dimenticate.
L’essere umano crea invenzioni meravigliose: non dimentichiamoci di creare noi stessi.
Manuel Lezaeta Acharan
Manuel Lezaeta Acharan
Born in 1881 in Santiago de Chile. A medical student, he abandoned the University due to illness. He was saved by Father Taddeo of Wisent, a German Capuchin friar and a disciple of Sebastian Kneipp. For nine years he remained at the friar’ side, treasuring his wisdom and teachings. He dedicated the rest of his life to natural medicine, bringing many people back to health. He conceptualized the Thermal Doctrine and wrote his book Natural medicine within everyone’s reach, published in 11 countries.
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Luigi Costacurta
Born in 1921 in Conegliano Veneto (Italy). Scholar and associate professor of Iridology and Naturopathy with honorary degree. He knew Lezaeta in 1959 in Santiago. He translated his book into Italian and in 1977 published Iridology, his first scientific text. It was followed by The New Dietetics, Live with Natural Agents and Our Steam Bath.
– Agree to change something in your life.
– Leave the past behind, before moving forward.
– Each person decides the effect life makes on him/her.
– Set apart some time each day to walk.
– When you can, expose your skin to air and sun.
– Use your five senses not only to solve problems.
– Look at beautiful things around you.
– Listen to classical music and the sounds of nature.
– Find out what is bad for you, avoid it as much as possible, but don’t get angry because it exists.
– Cultivate gratitude for the good things of life.
– Forgive the harm anyone has done to you.
– Give yourself Victory Experiences.
– Do movements you don’t usually do.
– Play like you did when you were a child.
– Remember the importance of natural nutrition and good body practices.
Serenity and health are within everyone’s reach:
you just need to know how to do it and then do it.
This has been Acnin’s commitment for over thirty years:
to teach and support people.